Friday 27 January 2017

Humans as gods of Themselves

      It is believed that human beings evolved from primitive and lower animals. While this remains controversial, similarities exist between human beings and other organisms; they reproduce and they die, they ingest and they egest etc. Despite the amazing similarities nature imposed on all living things, human beings show one great contrast to other organisms; the belief and consciousness of existence of one supreme, sovereign being; who though invisible, yet powerful to create and to destroy, to give and to take, to promote and to demote.
Though the consciousness of the existence of the Supreme Being forms a major similarity amongst humans, they are however segregated and differentiated into two classes; depending on one’s possessions and life expectancy. Some humans better referred to as the “cream of the society”, are considered members of a superior class by the other more abundant and densely populated class who believed they to be inferior to the former. One who hails from this inferior class is best described with three words, ‘the common man’.
The ‘common man’ known for his commitment to the worship of the Supreme God, does this mainly because of his belief that only Him can ‘push’ him up the ladder to becoming one among the well-to-do. This same group of human beings believing they are inferior to the ‘cream of the society’, show them great loyalty and humility. Surprisingly, they at some points, submit themselves to the services of the superior class than to the supreme God; even to ‘sacrifice’ a fellow common man for the benefit and success of the small gods –the men of affluence. As a result of this humble submission, the superior class believes it could decide who becomes a part of its distinguished members. Though they are humans with no other observable difference apart from their life style and possessions, perhaps their know-how of acquiring such possessions, they behave as gods that determine the destiny of the common man. They do this by means of leadership with ultra vires; regulating the time at which, and amount of resources reaching the common man, bearing in mind that excesses of this resources will definitely, in no time, make the common man a god of himself. With this, it is clear that no god would want to share his glory with any other.
      What then has made the common man really common? Inferiority complex is the best answer. It has caused the common man to be unable to see and believe his abilities and potentials but accepts that his destiny is actually dependent on the ‘small gods’ and the little resources at hand, which they too he can maximize. Inferiority complex is the greatest murderer of our time; it has killed and is killing potentials. It has mad e young business minds and leaders unsuccessful and has left students failures; they never believe they can make their best grades. Until there is a change in the common man’s thoughts and beliefs, these gods will continue to manipulate him and his resources for their personal increment. And his loyal services for their comfort. There are two contradictory schools of thought; one believes that when you change the situations surrounding a man’s life, you automatically change the man’s life. The other school, where I belong to, believes that when you change the man’s mind (his thoughts), you automatically change the situations surrounding his life. In Nigeria, successful don’t mind giving out charity an d other forms of assistance. Very few of those successful characters devote themselves to real human development. Here’s the solved puzzle, when I offer you a gift in cash, I successful kill the zeal in you work hard and smart to be successful. But when I decide to teach you how get the cash by yourself, I am building a successful character in you. This is the simple reason why the rich get richer and the poor remain vulnerable to awful situations. Reuse to be given fishes, learn how to fish yourself!
      Truth be told, a gap will always exist between the rich and the poor but how wide the gap is, is what really matters. To approximate this gap, the bounteous rich should simply give aids to the “have not’s” and influence the mean of their class to do the same. However, the problem with giving aids is that the poor tend to become indolent. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said it this way, “I admit that there is a huge problem and I believe that aids can be useful, although I much prefer the idea of aids that does not end up creating a dependency in people”. This implies that with every aid received by the common man he tends to wait, instead of work, for his next ‘daily bread’. Also the rich should quit exploiting and taking advantage of the poor. It is erroneous to conclusively say that the problem is always with the rich. The common man should learn to take responsibility of himself by his self, as there are countless men who were yesterday among the nobodies but they form a major part of the distinguished men of affluence today.
      I wish that the dreaming sons and daughters of the ‘common men’ will wake up and become uncomfortable with their level of thinking and achievements, and realize that their destinies are in their own hands. That when they fold their hands and sit, giving up on themselves, they are folding their destinies and, perhaps unknowingly, passing on the trait of remaining common and inferior onto their next generations. Apparently, when they stretch out their folded hands in hard work and faith in the impartial sovereign God who had given all men equal opportunities and chances to become great and independent gods of themselves, only then can they reach their beautiful, imaginable and attainable destinies.



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