Thursday 7 September 2017



I have observed over the years that many people want to live a long, quiet and successful live. But it is also ironical but true that many people especially youths are engaging in lifestyles that predispose them to several disease conditions that will reduce the quality of their lives. 
Oesophageal cancer can also be called food pipe cancer is a type of cancer that affects the food pipe. It is a devastating disease because it is the 6th most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide.

 Lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking and alcoholism cause 9 out of 10 cases of oesophageal cancer. The risks of oesophageal cancer are higher when a person is involved in both drinking and smoking because both act synergistically. Alcohol damages the cells around the food pipe and enables the carcinogens in tobacco to be able to penetrate the oesophageal epithelium more easily.

Smoking has become the order of the day especially among youths even though tobacco companies have warned that smokers are liable to die young. According to research conducted each cigarette that a person smokes takes 10 minutes out of a smoker’s life.  

Estimate in the past few years’ state that there are almost 7360 different compounds present in cigarette, and it is likely that this number could still increase. Of this number of compounds, 70 have confirmed carcinogenic activity in humans, and many more are suspected carcinogens.

Some organic compounds with more harmful effect in cigarette are: n-nitrosamines, benzene, aromatic amines, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, 1,3-Butadiene, Acrolein, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons which causes detrimental effects such as: high carcinogenic action, causes mutation in bone marrow, causes bladder cancer, causes irritation of the eyes, kin, throat, mucus membranes, and respiratory tract, suspected to be a human teratogen, heart disease and also lower IQ and childhood asthma respectively. These are just a few detrimental effects of smoking.

Abstaining from smoking and alcoholism can increase people’s quality of life, enable you to save more and give you time to plan. So why not avoid smoking in order to have a long, better and a more fulfilled life.

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